Wednesday, April 5, 2017
Perth County ― The moment Ken had a heart attack. The moment Tracey was diagnosed with COPD. The moment Murray watched his father die of lung cancer. What will YOUR quit moment be? The moment you decide to quit smoking.
During the past few months, the Perth District Health Unit has been collecting personal quit stories from local residents. “Most people who smoke will think about quitting, but then there’s that moment they realize it’s time to quit. They move from thinking about it, to actually making a quit attempt”, says Adrienne Adas, Public Health Promoter at the Perth District Health Unit.
For Barb, that moment was when her brother was diagnosed with lung cancer. “He was 11 years older than me but I just always thought that everybody in our family was going to live well into our 90s. He was only 69 and he passed away. It just scared me so badly and made me realize that it could happen to me too.” Barb’s advice for those who may be thinking about quitting— “Do it. You need to do this!”
In Cheryl’s story, she noted the benefits she has seen since quitting; specifically, how quitting has affected her depression. “When I think about the fact that I quit and how my depression is, I would have to say it’s better because… I feel cleansed and I feel much more motivated to do activities. Which is good for people with mental illness. Getting out for more walks or the simple fact of being more active now I think has helped my depression.”
The Health Unit hopes that by showcasing these quit moment stories it will inspire other individuals to also make a quit attempt. The campaign also highlights local supports and services that are available to help people quit.
For more information:
- Follow @myquitmoment on twitter to link to stories and access supports
- Visit to read stories and share your own.